Knitting & Crochet: News

How to make Macrame flower - Useful Design Elements for your macrame projects.

This patterns can be used for clothing or other needs,looks like a fishing net, easy to make.. I hope that it will be useful for you

This pattern with flower motifs looks very good! Maybe this tutorial is not for beginners, but you can use it for different types of goals, for example: Bags and Handbags, purses, tablecloths, coasters, clothing, wallets, phone bags and phone cases etc..

with this pattern you can make nice Handbag (for example) or something else, that you like.. Macrame patterns for various useful macrame projects.

Simple and colorful pattern sample. You can use this sample to make a handbag or something else that you like.Macrame design elements for various useful macrame projects.

Simple and interesting pattern sample for your macrame projects. From this pattern you can make stylish handmade coasters, tablecloth or something other that you like. In this Macrame sample we used Square knot. Macrame design elements for various useful macrame projects.

Simple pattern for various useful macrame projects. In this pattern we used Square knot and Spiral knot. See more patterns:

Cavandoli Macrame (also called Tapestry Knotting) is an intricate form of knotting used to create geometric patterns. The Cavandoli style is done mainly in a single knot, the double half-hitch knot. Reverse half hitches are sometimes used to maintain balance when working left and right halves of a balanced piece.

That'd be Valentine's Day, fool. Instructables member Carleyy fuses together licorice laces to create long strands for knitting a pair of edible undies. If you want to get more squirrely, try knitting Carleyy's pattern with ramen noodles. Ouch, these have gotta hurt:

It won't be much trouble getting a decent police sketch if Andrew Salomone decides to knock off a liquor store.

Showcased at Mediamatic, the "Untitled Sock Project" is a knitting machine hack by Luís Brandaõ, Fábio Costa, Sean Follmer, and Pol Pla:

Polish artist Agata Olek loves to crochet.

DIY LED Carpet-Light For the craftsters & LED lovers, great idea by Johanna Hyrkas. The LED carpet-light: a simple, yet novel DIY project. A single strand of LEDs is encased in a knit tube; the knit tube is wound together to form a carpet. Brush up on your knitting skills, and get creative.

Lock up your grandfather clocks; there's a new lady on the scene. Meet "365" by German designer Siren Elise Wilhelmsen, an electric grandmother clock that completes a two-meter (or six-and-a-half-foot) knitted scarf once every 52 weeks.

Here's a little inspiration for the aspiring fashion designers out there. Having majored in textile design (printing and weaving), I am totally stunned by these West African ritual garments.

Royal College of the Arts student Merel Karhof has come up with an innovative way to harness natural resources: a wind knitting factory. Merel's device is a mechanical wind-powered knitting machine that sustainably produces long tubes of knitted material. Nice. I'd let the wind knit my scarves.

So why not join the party? (Oh, plus they also happen to quilt, as well).

Knit Your Food Knitted delectable delights from Ed Bing Lee. Inspired? Gotta start somewhere.

Science geeks everywhere: the ultimate knitting pattern. Creator apinnick made this amazing sweater displaying the Periodic Table of Elements for her husband, a microbiologist working in the pharmaceutical industry. Click through to her blog for her periodic table knitting chart, to learn how to knit-it-yourself.

Grannies aren't the only crochet artists out there.

Ramen. The staple of every boho and college dorm dweller has a new application. This DIY from Carissa Browing appeals to hipsters, foodies and craftsters, alike.