Hot Knitting & Crochet How-Tos

How To: Knit on Double Pointed Needles

Knitting on double pointed needles (abbr: DPN or DP) is scary to most knitters. That being said, there will be times that you will want to, or need to use them, so you might as well learn now. You'll need to use DP needles for small projects when there are too few stitches for a circular needle (as for socks or mittens). Once you cast on and get into a rhythm, it's easy. Don't be afraid to try it.

How To: Make the Afghan or Tunisian crochet stitch - entrelac

If you're someone who enjoys crochet, you may want to watch this video and check out this technique. It's called the Afghan or Tunisian crochet stitch, or 'entrelac'. This is not quick stitch to do, but the results can be truly wonderful. This video is very detailed, with excellent descriptions and will help you get on the path to a new and exciting crochet creation. You will want a larger and smaller crochet needle for this project, so be sure to have both on hand.

How To: Knit the Rice Stitch

The rice stitch is another easy and versatile stitch. Both sides are different, however they both look nice. This means the work can be used on either side. Pictured in the thumbnail image above is side one of the rice stitch. Pictured below is side two of the rice stitch.

How To: Do the Same Stitch on Different Sized Knitting Needles

A fun thing to do in knitting is to experiment by trying the same stitch on different sizes of needles. A thin yarn knitted on a small sized needle will look totally different than a thin yarn on a medium sized needle. On the small needle the stitches will be tight. On a medium sized needle they will be looser and more lacy. If you knit it on a large sized needle it will look even more different and, in fact, very holey.

How To: Knit a bracelet with an "A" letter

Already a bona fide friendship bracelet weaver? Then get ready to knock your friends' socks off with this personalized bracelet emblazoned with the letter "A." This step-by-step video will turn your mind to a whole new world of friendship bracelet possibilities, and you may find yourself stringing together batches of these for friends, family, and coworkers.

How To: Knit a Decorative Flower

This beautiful flower can be used as decoration on a hat, scarf, headband or purse. You name it. There are many uses. On the photo above, I added it to a hat. I have also used it as a decoration on a napkin ring. The flower is knit in three parts. Check out the instructions below. And see the closeup photo of the finished flower at the bottom of the page.

How To: Crochet a head wrap

This video will show you how-to crochet a super cool head wrap. These head wraps are all of a sudden really popular so if you get on it, you'll be done making yours while the craze is still hot. If not, at least your ears will still be warm. Crochet a head wrap.

How To: Make Your Own Tweed Yarn

Here's a great way to make something that is truly one of a kind. You can do this by making your own tweed yarn. It's very easy to do. You can use 2, 3 or more yarns to do this. The yarns don't have to be the same weight at all. You can mix thick yarns with thin ones for a very interesting effect.

How To: Knit a Lacey Eyelet Rib Pattern

There are not many stitches that are more beautiful than this LACEY EYELET RIB STITCH. And, there are few that are easier. Most knitters are apprehensive about knitting any lace patterns, and truthfully, many are difficult because of so many rows. This one, however, consists of only 4 rows. You can use either side of the work and it is a lovely stitch to know. You can use it for a beautiful scarf or for just about anything for a baby. I've made many baby sweaters and blankets using this stitc...