Knitting & Crochet How-Tos

How To: Knit for Beginners

So Christmas is coming up, and you want to make a couple of presents for your friends and family, who you don't really feel like splurging on- but want to make something from the heart. You've tried other stuff, and you totally failed at the Cross-stitch from last year, have you tried Knitting?! Well here's a beginners guide to the simple knitting technique- an easy one!

How To: Knit the Ladder Stitch

The Ladder Stitch is wonderful for scarves, blankets, shawls. It might seem complicated at first, but once you get into the rhythm of it it goes along easily and it's fun to watch the ladder go up and up. Step 1: Row 1 (WS): P4 *k2tog Tbl, Wrap Yarn Twice, k2tog, p4; Rep from * to End.

How To: Knit a Mobius Dog Scarf

If you save scraps of yarn, and have a dog, this is an easy project for you. The Mobius scarf has the advantage of not having any ends to come untied, or dangle down for your dog to trip over, or get tangled in branches and stuff. I made this one for Pepper, my 16lb rat terrier. Step 1: Choose Your Yarn: I had very little yarn to work with. I had one more ball, but it had just a little more on it than the largest shown here.

How To: Make Simple Mittens in Single Crochet

This is a simple pattern, designed to produce a well-fitting mitten. Both the right and left mittens worked the same up to the shaping for the top of the mitten. A slight adjustment for making one right and one left, then they are worked the same. The gusset for the thumb constructed with the increases made in the center of the gusset, rather than on each side. This makes it easy with a minimal amount of counting stitches as you go. I have been crocheting for 56 years. In doing research for w...

How To: Use a Needle Mounted Row Counter When Crocheting or Knitting on Circular or Double Pointed Needles

I like to use a row counter as it saves me the trouble of counting rows when increasing, decreasing, or working a cable pattern. All I have is a small needle mounted counter that is hard to keep track of when it is not mounted on a knitting needle. When knitting on circular or double pointed needles, or crocheting, I have to count rows ever so often. This is time consuming, and I have to admit to sometimes being inaccurate. To solve this problem I threaded a piece of fishing line through the ...

How To: Knit a Ball

Knitted balls can be used for all sorts of projects. The obvious is a Christmas ornament, but knitted balls can also be the basis for knitting toys or snowmen. And of course, they can be used simply as balls which make a lovely gift for a baby. They can be all one color, striped or patterned. To get started, follow the directions below for a one-color knitted ball. You will need to know how to knit on double-pointed needles, so if you need help with that, check out my other article.

How To: Knit a Spiral Ruffle Scarf

These lovely scarves have different names. I call it the Spiral Ruffle Scarf. It's easy to make and looks great in either a fine or a medium weight yarn. I made mine with softball cotton yarn and size 8 needles. Here are the videos and written directions:

How To: Knit a Snowflake

For the holiday season, a great knitting project is a snowflake design. It's perfect for handmade Christmas gifts. You can knit just one, or a row of them, or use them as full pattern on a sweater or blanket—or whatever project you choose.

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