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How To: Machine knit double bed e-wrap ribbing

If you use a knitting machine to knit your projects, follow this simple example to knit ribbing. This instructional knitting video demonstrates how to e-wrap for double bed knitting and transfer the carriage. You may want to reference some written instructions in addition to watching this knitting video. With a little practice, you can make it look as easy as this.

How To: Machine knit with a Knitmaster MK70 Mid-Gauge

If you have been curious about the Knitmaster MK70, this short video will show some of the special features that make this fold-up knitting machine so unique. These machines were designed in the early 1980's. This type of knitting machine can fit into a small box and set up for spontaneous holiday knitting projects. The Knitmaster is a flexible machine that can knit almost any pattern.

How To: Crochet a thread butterfly variation

Watch this instructional crochet video to crochet a variation of a classic thread butterfly. Use any type of thread and a small crochet needle to complete this project. The small stitch creates a complex crochet weave for hyper-designed crochet projects such as this butterfly. You may want to reference some written instructions in addition to watching this video.

How To: Crochet a bullion stitch flower

Watch this instructional crochet video to crochet a bullion or roll stitch flower. This is a difficult crochet stitch to accomplish. You should master the bullion stitch before beginning to crochet this flower design. Use any type of thread and crochet needle to complete this project. The bullion or roll stitch creates a complex crochet weave for hyper-designed crochet projects such as this intricate flower.

How To: Crochet a bullion or roll stitch

Watch this instructional crochet video to crochet a bullion or roll stitch. This is a difficult crochet stitch to accomplish. This video provides an alternative method of completing the crochet stitch using a homemade tool. Use any type of thread and crochet needle to complete this project. The bullion or roll stitch creates a complex crochet weave for hyper-designed crochet projects.

How To: Crochet a broomstick lace pattern

Watch this instructional crochet video to crochet broomstick lace. This crochet method creates an intricate snowflake pattern. Use any type of yarn, a crochet needle and a size 19 knitting needle to complete this project. You can even use a knitting needle made out of a PVC pipe. This broomstick lace pattern creates a complex crochet weave for warm yet breathable blankets, sweaters and winter caps.

How To: Crochet a star stitch winter hat

Watch this instructional crochet video to crochet a star stitch hat or winter cap. This crochet method creates an intricate rotating pattern. Use any type of thread and crochet needle to complete this project. This star stitch pattern creates a complex crochet weave for warm yet breathable winter caps.

How To: Sew and hide crocheted yarn tails

Watch this instructional crochet video to hide crocheted yarn tails. Use the same type of yarn you used to crochet your patterned hat. You will also need a tapestry needle to sew in the hanging yarn tails in the inside of the hat. You can also use this method to sew up the top of the hat and tie together any mistakes you may have made while crocheting your winter hat.

How To: Crochet a galaxy or snowflake stitch

Watch this instructional crochet video to crochet a galaxy stitch. This crochet method creates an intricate snowflake pattern. Use any type of thread and crochet needle to complete this project. This galaxy or snowflake pattern creates a complex crochet weave for warm yet breathable blankets, sweaters and winter caps.

How To: Crochet a lotus flower

Watch this instructional crochet video to crochet a lotus bloom. Use any type of thread or crochet needle to complete this project. You will also need a tapestry needle to sew the petals onto the round center of the flower with regular yarn. Add this lotus flower to a pillow or crocheted blanket for satisfying decorative results.

How To: Sew ear flaps onto a crocheted hat

Watch this instructional knitting video to attach a single crocheted half circle ear flap to a single crocheted baby beanie. Use a tapestry needle to thread some yarn. This same process can be applied to adult caps and hats. Just use a larger needle and thicker yarn. It's easy to sew crocheted pieces together with regular yarn for an almost invisible seam.

How To: Crochet a pot holder with a seed stitch

Watch this instructional video to crochet a popular pot holder known as the magic pot holder with a seed stitch. Use four ply crochet yarn to crochet this thick and durable pot holder. You can crochet your pot holders to be larger or smaller than the ones shown in this video. These clear visual guidelines also include written instructions to help make your crochet project easy and enjoyable.

How To: Double crochet left handed

This instructional crocheting video demonstrates how to do a front post double crochet stitch and a back post double crochet stitch with your left hand. The double crochet stitch creates thick and tightly woven stitch that is good for blankets, sweaters, and other warm winter garments.

How To: Crochet a pansy flower

Watch this instructional crocheting video to crochet a pansy flower. Use any size of yarn or thread and your choice of crochet needle. This method will allow you to crochet unique pansy flowers that can be added to sweaters or blankets, or hung as decorative ornaments on their own.

How To: Crochet a left handed solid granny square

Watch this instructional crocheting video to crochet a classic solid granny square with your left hand. Now, if you're not left handed , this simple crochet lesson may prove to be quite difficult. If you are left handed, these instructions provide an efficient way to crochet creative granny squares for blankets, pot holders, hats, scarves, and other crochet projects.

How To: Crochet a left handed granny square

Are you left handed? While some people have perfected the art of playing left handed guitar, it's still a little challenging to figure out how to crochet with your left hand. Follow the guidelines on this instructional video to crochet a granny square left handed. The granny square is a useful crochet model that allows you to crochet blankets with a creative flare.

How To: Crochet a mid-row color change with a Tunisian stitch

While crocheting an Afghan or Tunisian style crochet blanket, you can crochet different patterns and colors into a single row of stitches. Use a large crochet needle and several types of yarn to learn this crocheting trick. You can switch back and forth between colors in the same row of Tunisian stitches by keeping yarn on hanging bobbins. Don't forget to sew in the loose ends of colored yarn.

How To: Do a knitting provisional cast-on

Watch this knitting instructional video to learn how to do a knitting provisional cast-on. A provisional cast-on is usually worked in a contrasting waste yarn so the cast-on stitches can be easily removed later. The live stitches are then recovered so you can knit down from that point without the joining line you'd have if you picked up stitches along the edge. There are several provisional cast-ons; this is the one I like the best, because I find it to be the easiest to work. You'll need a c...

How To: Master the gusset stitch for knitting

Stay tuned for this knitting instructional video on the gusset stitch. When you knit the heel flap, you slipped a stitch at the beginning of each row. This made a very nice chain through which you can pick up the gusset stitches. You can either pick up stitches through the whole chain stitch, or through the back loop of the chain stitch. Picking up stitches through the whole chain stitch creates a rather definite seam on the inside which could be uncomfortable to wear. I prefer to pick up the...

How To: Insert a heel when knitting a sock

Stay tuned for this knitting instructional video on inserting a heel for a knitted sock. This is a very large scale knitted sock. It's going to be a felted Christmas stocking. The knitting is finished except for inserting the heel. The knitting technique demonstrated is exactly the same for a more normal, human-size knitted sock. It's also the same technique used to insert a pocket in a sweater.

How to Do the M1R/M1L: Make One Right/Left knitting technique

Watch this instructional video to accomplish the knitting technique: M1R / M1L: Make One Right / Left. A make one, abbreviated M1 in knitting patterns, is an increase stitch. In some instances the slant of the increase does not matter, but, when it does, it's helpful to know how to make one left-slanting and how to make one right-slanting. A make one right slanting is abbreviated M1R:

How To: Master the knitting technique short-row shaping

Watch this video demonstration of the knitting technique short row shaping. In traditional knitting shoulder shaping, stitches are bound off across the top edge of the shoulder on sequential rows, creating a stair-step line. It can be difficult to make a neat job of seaming this shoulder line. Short-row shaping provides the same slope, but creates an even line across the top edge to facilitate a neater finish.