Mistake rib is a multiple of 4+3 Cast on an UNEVEN Number of Stitches K2, p2, Repeat to Last 3 Stitches, k2, p1. Repeat That's It! Bind Off ...
Sometimes you just don't know how many stitches to cast on for a scarf, so here's the perfect solution. Just cast on a few stitches and increase until you have the width that you want for your scarf. ...
Knitted balls can be used for all sorts of projects. The obvious is a Christmas ornament, but knitted balls can also be the basis for knitting toys or snowmen. And of course, they can be used simply a ...
There are times when your pattern will direct you to slip a stitch. Usually, this is done on a knit row. I always slip the first stitch of every row because it makes a neater selvedge. It's a very sim ...
Adding color on a circular needle is done exactly the same way as on a straight needle, no matter if it is at the beginning of a row, in the middle of a row (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qbo4sov1gU4 ...
Once you have mastered the technique of knitting something in one color, you will want to go to the next step, which is learning how to add color to your knitting. You might want to knit stripes or kn ...
Most of the time, when you are directed to 'slip a stitch', it will be on a knit row. But there are exceptions and there will be times when you will need to know how to slip a stitch on a purl row. It ...
The mistake rib stitch is very beautiful and very easy to do. The mistake rib stitch is a multiple of 4+3. Watch the video demonstration on knitting the mistake rib stitch below for a step by step dem ...
Most of the time you will increase on Knit stitches. You can see my article on that here. However, there will be times when you will need to know how to increase on a Purl stitch. Here's how: Put the ...
This project makes for a nice gift. This pillow was made for a baby, but with a change of the hankie, it could easily be made for the home. It's easy and fun. Here's the pillow back: Directions Chose ...